The USWBSI Publication Database provides an easy way to search scientific publications that are relevant to Fusarium Head Blight of wheat and barley. Some publications in this database have been funded (partially or fully) by the USWBSI (indicated by the logo) and others are posted here for inclusion due to their importance to the Scab Community.
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2 results
Oligogalacturonide Application Increases Resistance to Fusarium Head Blight in Durum Wheat
Journal: Journal of Experimental Botany | Publication Date: 02/09/2024 | Authors: Valentina Bigini, Fabiano Sillo, Sarah Giulietti, Daniela Pontiggia, Luca Giovannini, Raffaella Balestrini, and Daniel V Savatin
Research Categories: Durum Coordinated Project
Bearded or smooth? Awns improve yield when wheat experiences heat stress during grain fill in the southeastern United States
Journal: Journal of Experimental Botany | Publication Date: 11/21/2023 | Authors: Noah DeWitt, Jeanette Lyerly, Mohammed Guedira, James B Holland, J Paul Murphy, Brian P Ward, Richard E Boyles, Mohamed Mergoum, Md Ali Babar, Ehsan Shakiba, Russel Sutton, Amir Ibrahim, Vijay Tiwari, Nicholas Santantonio, David A Van Sanford, Kimberly Howell, Jared H Smith, Stephen A Harrison, and Gina Brown-Guedira
Research Categories: Variety Development and Host Plant Resistance - Southern Winter Wheat
(Funded in part by the USWBSI)