The USWBSI Publication Database provides an easy way to search scientific publications that are relevant to Fusarium Head Blight of wheat and barley. Some publications in this database have been funded (partially or fully) by the USWBSI (indicated by the logo) and others are posted here for inclusion due to their importance to the Scab Community.
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2 results
Improving FHB Screening in Wheat Breeding Using an Efficient Transformer Model
Journal: American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers | Publication Date: 07/12/2023  |  Authors: Babak Azad, Ahmed Abdalla, Kwanghee Won, and Ali Mirzakhani Nafchi
Research Categories: Hard Winter Wheat Coordinated Project
(Funded in part by the USWBSI)

Maintaining Optimum Closeup in Wheat FHB Detection Using 360-Degree Deep Scanning Method
Journal: American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers | Publication Date: 07/12/2023  |  Authors: Ahmed Abdalla, Babak Azad, Kwanghee Won, and Ali M Nafchi
Research Categories: Hard Winter Wheat Coordinated Project
(Funded in part by the USWBSI)