The USWBSI Publication Database provides an easy way to search scientific publications that are relevant to Fusarium Head Blight of wheat and barley. Some publications in this database have been funded (partially or fully) by the USWBSI (indicated by the logo) and others are posted here for inclusion due to their importance to the Scab Community.
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4 results
Structure and diversity of Fusarium communities inhabiting non-cultivated grass inflorescences in New York State
Journal: Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology | Publication Date: 08/05/2020  |  Authors: Michael R. Fulcher, Eniola D. Oladipo, James B. Winans, Menchus Quan, and Gary C. Bergstrom
Research Categories: FHB Management
(Funded in part by the USWBSI)
Fusarium head blight resistance in F1 hybrid spring wheat
Journal: Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology | Publication Date: 07/17/2020  |  Authors: Justin Leier, Sintayehu Daba, Andrew Friskop, Blaine Johnson, Jack Rasmussen, Senay Simsek, and Andrew Green
Research Categories: Variety Development and Host Plant Resistance - Spring Wheat
(Funded in part by the USWBSI)
Tri5 gene expression analysis during postharvest storage of wheat grain from field plots treated with a triazole and a strobilurin fungicide
Journal: Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology | Publication Date: 01/17/2020  |  Authors: Carlos Bolanos-Carriel, Stephen N. Wegulo, P. Stephen Baenziger, Kent M. Eskridge, Deanna Funnell-Harris, Niki Mcmaster, David G. Schmale III, and Heather E. Hallen-Adams
Research Categories: FHB Management
(Funded in part by the USWBSI)
Variable interactions between non-cereal grasses and Fusarium graminearum
Journal: Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology | Publication Date: 05/10/2019  |  Authors: Michael R. Fulcher, Julian P. Garcia, Kellie C. M. Damann, and Gary C. Bergstrom
Research Categories: FHB Management
(Funded in part by the USWBSI)