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Protocols for North Dakota State University Barley DON Testing Lab


Protocols for North Dakota State University Barley DON Testing Lab



  1. Sample size:  10-50 g (amount can vary)
  2. Sample type:  Whole kernels (unless other arrangements have been made)
  3. Packaging:  Individual envelopes labeled with a sample number that corresponds to a submitted datasheet.
  4. Datasheets:  Excel preferred.
    1. We would like to see you File Name contain the crop year, PI, project description, and the sample number range. For example: “2021 Schwarz malt experiment (1-50)”.
    2. Please include an extra column or line in the data sheet, if the submitted samples are to be charged to another PI’s allotment (i.e. submitted by Schwarz but charge to Rao).
    3. We would prefer that you use a unique sample number range for each set submitted. In other words, if your allotment is 150, don’t submit multiple sets labeled 1-50. Sample set labeled 1-50, 51-100, and 101-150 would be preferable. (See Example 1)
  5. Ship to:
    U.S. Postal Service Address
    Mailing Address:
    James Gillespie
    Department of Plant Sciences
    NSDU Dept 7670
    PO Box 6050
    Fargo, ND 58108-6050
    FedEx and UPS Address
    Mailing Address:
    James Gillespie
    NDSU Department of Plant Sciences
    1360 Albrecht Blvd. N.
    Loftsgard Hall 166
    Fargo, ND 58102
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Last Updated:  April 14, 2021