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ScabNET is a newly formed USWBSI network of graduate students and post-docs formed from the outcome of the Early Career Meetup at the 2021 NFHB Forum whose goal is to provide educational, career, and social opportunities for those in FHB research and beyond. The focus of ScabNet is to bring together the current generation of graduate students and post-docs with other members of this community to provide information on relevant topics.


Upcoming Events


WebinarFall Webinar

Watch for more information for the Fall webinar.



Past Events


Trivia_NightJune 30, Trivia Night

Three graduate students competed for the champion title at the first ScabNet Trivia Night. Topics included FHB, Breeding and Plant Pathology, and Science in Pop culture. Bhavit Chharba was the winner with 26 out of 36 correct.



USDA_WebinarMarch 7, 2023: Developing Your Career in the USDA-ARS If I Can Do it Anyone Can

Watch this webinar with Tim Widmer, Ph.D., USDA-ARS National Program Leader for Plant Diseases, to learn about careers in the USDA-ARS. In this webinar, Widmer outlines the structure of the USDA and the Agricultural Research Service and the role of National Program Leaders. In addition, he provides the story of his journey to becoming a National Program Leader and the places around the world that the journey took him.



SocialDecember 4, 2022, National Fusarium Head Blight Forum: ScabNet Early Career Social

Graduate students and post-doctoral researchers gathered at the 2022 National Fusarium Head Blight Forum for the first time in two years. Individuals were able to meet their peers face-to-face for the first time.



ScabNet video iconSeptember 29, 2022: Hands-on LinkedIn Webinar

Watch this webinar with Leigh Neys, Ph.D. Career Transition Coach, to learn tips and tricks of utilizing LinkedIn to advance your career. Neys works with professionals around the world interested in transitioning to a new career. With a background in educational leadership, she offers individual and group coaching and helps create career materials that make an impact on the job search process. She has held leadership roles in public and private organizations and has a doctoral degree in Organizational Leadership, Policy, and Development from the University of Minnesota.



Early_Career_IconMarch 29, 2022: Early Career Industry Meetup

This event provided an opportunity for graduate students and post-doctoral researchers to interact and engage with industry personnel. Three industry personnel attended. Dr. Pravin Gautam is a cereal pathologist from BASF with the hybrid wheat program. Andrea Lugo-Torres is a field manager for Pivot Bio and is responsible for coordinating the advancement of new technologies through the product development pipeline. Dr. Kestrel McCorkle is the head of controlled environment research at GreenLight BioSciences, Inc. In her role, she focuses on developing crop protection products to control fungal plant pathogens and insect pests.



Early_Career_Icon2December 6, 2021: Early Career Meetup

This event provided an opportunity for graduate students and post-doctoral researchers to interact and engage with university professionals in the different USWBSI Research Categories. Invited professionals included: Kaitlyn Bissonnette, University of Missouri (FHB Management), Jiajia Rao, North Dakota State University (Food Safety and Toxicology), Thomas Baldwin, North Dakota State University (Gene Discovery and Engineering Resistance), Santiago Mideros, University of Illinois (Pathogen Biology and Genetics), and Brian Ward, The Ohio State University (Variety Development and Host Resistance).