The USWBSI Publication Database provides an easy way to search scientific publications that are relevant to Fusarium Head Blight of wheat and barley. Some publications in this database have been funded (partially or fully) by the USWBSI (indicated by the logo) and others are posted here for inclusion due to their importance to the Scab Community.
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5 results
Identification and transferring of a new Fusarium+ head blight resistance gene FhbRc2 from Roegneria ciliaris 3ScL into common wheat
Journal: The Crop Journal | Publication Date: 08/08/2024  |  Authors: Rongrong Song, Danhua Zhang, Jingxin Yang, Yifan Cheng, Xinying Song, Weiping Zhao, Mengshuang Xia, Yao Zhang, Luyang Wei, Menghao Cheng, Wei Wang, Li Sun, Haiyan Wang, Xiu’e Wang, and Jin Xiao
Research Categories: Gene Discovery and Engineering Resistance
Genetic architecture of quantitative trait loci (QTL) for FHB resistance and agronomic traits in a hard winter wheat population
Journal: The Crop Journal | Publication Date: 10/07/2023  |  Authors: Yuzhou Xu, Yaoguang Li, Ruolin Bian, Guorong Zhang, Allan K. Fritz, Yanhong Dong, Lanfei Zhao, Yunfeng Xu, Nida Ghori, Amy Bernardo, Paul St. Amand, Jessica L. Shoup Rupp, Myron Bruce, Wei Wang, Eduard Akhunov, Brett Carver, and Guihua Bai
Research Categories: Hard Winter Wheat Coordinated Project
(Funded in part by the USWBSI)

Elimination of the yellow pigment gene PSY-E2 tightly linked to the Fusarium head blight resistance gene Fhb7 from Thinopyrum ponticum
Journal: The Crop Journal | Publication Date: 01/20/2023  |  Authors: Xuefeng Li, Dong Li, Yu Xuan, Ziming He, Lanfei Zhao, Yongchao Hao, Wenyang Ge, Shoushen Xu, Bingqian Hou, Biao Wang, Jun Guo, Wenwen Liu, Mingzhu Li, Yi Han, Cunyao Bo, Yinguang Bao, Zengjun Qi, Steven S. Xu, Guihua Bai, Hongwei Wang, and Lingrang Kong
Research Categories: Variety Development and Host Plant Resistance - Spring Wheat
(Funded in part by the USWBSI)

Genomic prediction of Fusarium head blight resistance in early stages using advanced breeding lines in hard winter wheat
Journal: The Crop Journal | Publication Date: 04/26/2022  |  Authors: Jinfeng Zhang, Harsimardeep S. Gill, Navreet K. Brar, Jyotirmoy Halder, Shaukat Ali, Xiaotian Liu, Amy Bernardo, Paul St Amand, Guihua Bai, Upinder S. Gill, Brent Turnipseed, and Sunish K. Sehgal
Research Categories: Hard Winter Wheat Coordinated Project
(Funded in part by the USWBSI)

Integration of meta-QTL discovery with omics: Towards a molecular breeding platform for improving wheat resistance to Fusarium head blight
Journal: The Crop Journal | Publication Date: 11/26/2020  |  Authors: Tong Zheng, Chen Hua, Lei Li, Zheng Sun, Minmin Yuan, Guihua Bai, Gavin Humphrey, and Tao Li
Research Categories: Hard Winter Wheat Coordinated Project