USWBSI Abstract Viewer

2022 National Fusarium Head Blight Forum

Variety Development and Host Resistance (VDHR)

Poster # 169

Haplotype-Informed Prediction of Fusarium Head Blight Resistance in USA Wheat Breeding Programs

Authors & Affiliations:

Lawrence Tidakbi1, Guihua Bai2, Jessica L. Rupp1, and Katherine W. Jordan2
1. Kansas State University, Department of Plant Pathology, Manhattan, KS
2. USDA-ARS Hard Winter Wheat Genetics Research Unit, Manhattan, KS
Corresponding Author: Katherine W. Jordan,

Corresponding Author:

Lawrence Tidakbi


Fusarium Head Blight (FHB), a major pathogenic fungal disease in wheat and barley caused by Fusarium graminearum (Gibberella zeae) has a major economic impact on wheat and barley production due to the production of mycotoxins. Breeding for resistance in adapted wheat varieties is not trivial due to several minor effect alleles identified in QTL studies. To successfully develop resistance, diagnostic markers for QTLs across the wheat genome need to be identified to help pyramid promising resistance genes into adapted wheat varieties in breeding programs. We are developing a Practical Haplotype Graph (PHG) database coupling phenotypic and genotypic data from a panel of 270 wheat cultivars from across the US. The objective of identifying novel QTLs and building a genomic selection (GS) model is underway with one year of field data evaluated. Preliminary results show significant variability in phenotypic scab severity, the normalized area under disease progressive curve (AUDPC), and the severity of Fusarium damaged kernels (FDK) (p-value > 0.05) across breeding lines, including some more resistant than the moderately resistant control. Additionally, ~15x sequencing data from these lines produced nearly 600,000 variants across the genome for association analyses and model building. Preliminary results will be presented and discussed

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