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2022 National Fusarium Head Blight Forum

FHB Management (MGMT)

Poster # 101

Fusarium Head Blight Management in Alabama: Observations from 2021 and 2022 Spring Seasons

Authors & Affiliations:

Kira L. Bowen1
1. Auburn University, Dept Plant Pathology and Entomology, Auburn, AL
Corresponding Author: Kira Bowen,

Corresponding Author:

Kira Bowen


As part of the multi-state FHB Management Coordinated Project (MGMT_CP), integrated FHB and DON management strategies were evaluated on soft red winter wheat grown in Alabama, with emphasis on Miravis® Ace (Adepydin® + propiconazole) and Sphaerex, over two growing seasons.  An Integrated Management (IM) trial was done at the Gulf Coast Research and Extension Center (GCREC: south AL, 30.542, -87.882) of the Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station.  The factorial set of treatments consisted of two cultivars and six fungicide treatments, in four blocks arranged in a split-plot with cultivar as the main plots.  The cultivars were AGS3030 (moderately resistant) and P26R96 (moderately susceptible).  Fungicides were applied using a CO2 backpack sprayer at 32 psi with three TX-12 hollow cone nozzles spaced 20 inches apart and 15 inches above the canopy.  MiravisAce, applied at early flower, was applied alone or followed by tebuconazole; Caramba, Sphaerex, and Prosaro were applied alone at early flower.  A non-treated control was included.  FHB intensity and foliar diseases were rated on 22 April 2021 and 25 April 2022.  Two to three weeks after fungicide application, 30 (in 2021) and 20 (in 2022) heads per plot were collected to estimate the FHB index (IND).  Grain samples from each plot were obtained after harvest for evaluation of percent Fusarium damaged kernels (FDK) and DON analysis. In 2021, IND was low and no treatments differed from the control; however, all treatments reduced FDK and DON.  Greatest reduction in FDK was seen with the two-application program, while greatest reduction in DON was noted with Sphaerex (40% lower than in control) and the two-application program (36%).  It must be noted that DON levels were high, with > 5 ppm in 45% of plots.  Yield and test weights in 2021 were higher in all treatments compared to the control; MiravisAce and MiravisAce followed by tebuconazole had nearly 20% higher yield (14 bu/A) than non-treated controls.  In 2022, IND was again low, averaging < 2% in all treatments; only the Sphaerex treatment had lower IND than the control.  FDK did not differ among treatments.  DON levels were generally low with 61% of plots having < 1 ppm.  All treatments reduced DON, and the greatest reductions were seen with Caramba, Sphaerex, and the MiravisAce followed by tebuconazole programs.  In 2022, no significant differences were noted among treatments with test weight or yield. 

Acknowledgement.  Work supported by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, under Agreement Nos. 59-0206-6-008 and 59-0206-0-153.

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